Thursday, October 2, 2014

If you could change three things about yourself, what would you choose and why?

    My Three Wishes!

   If you could change details about your life, about things like your skin,the size of your head and etc. what would you choose to utterly change? I already know with a certainty. If you asked me a question like this I would respond immediately with three things.  I would change my intelligence, my height, and hair colour. Those might be bizarre things other people might say but i know what I would want.                                                                                I've always wanted to be tall. Firstly because I've always had to go through being just short enough that I couldn't reach the top shelf or the tip-top pf the blackboard. This irritates the heck out of me tremendously. Nothing annoys me more then seeing something but not being able to reach it because I lack ten maybe twenty centimeters. Secondly I still sometimes am to short to go on rides at amusement parks because of my
height and I dislike, dread, detest you name it I also use it to describe the feeling of looking at a ride/roller coaster and knowing I can't ride it. Lastly have you ever felt like a little kid when somebody your age is angry at you  height and I dislike, dread, detest you name it I also use it to describe the feeling of looking at a ride/roller coaster and knowing I can't ride it. Lastly have you ever felt like a little kid when somebody your age is angry at you and looms over you because of their giant height? Or when you see somebody taller then their parents/teachers and wish you were to because it looks silly when an adult makes a "disappointed" face but has to looks up to do so. So I'm guessing that once in a while short people wish this but honestly I probably have one or two more growth spurts to go so I'm a comfortably adjusted average height person.                               Intelligence, everyone has a certain level of intelligence and most people spend a lot of time increasing it stretching it and similar things so that their always becoming smarter. Like in school people are gaining knowledge then applying it and learning how to do it themselves thus becoming knowledgeable, self-sufficient in thinking, and more intelligent.                                       So why would I want to become smarter when I'm at a satisfying level of intelligence for a grade eight if I do say so myself. Well because like I said everyone always wants to become more smart. Fact of life, the dumb don't succeed so even though I'm not dim-witted I will always want to strive to be smart. Also if changing my intelligence to that of a super-genius like Einstein was possible I would so that I could of course finish school at the earliest possibility. And other things. Maybe.

   Last of my changes and most probable of being likely. My hair is black a boring really dark shade of black in certain lightnings brownish black. And I've always wanted to dye it a really insane shade of blue or dark blue. No one can really see my hair except for me and my family but of course I've never worked up the courage to actually go and dye my hair. On one hand because I feel like I'll mess it up and have ugly hair for the rest of my life and on the other hand because of my mom. She likes playing at me and my sisters hair meaning no way. Though some-day I will most definitely do it even if its just for some new year resolution. 

    Conclusion being that these are my three simple wishes that I would change about my magnificently awesome self. That my height is a sore spot, that I want to have a fast way of becoming so mart I could skip school altogether. Also that I really like blue. I didn't say major things about me because changing that wouldn't make me, who I am anymore.


  1. Its coming out as capitals even though Caps-lock is off?

  2. Thanks for letting me know about the caps situation Salma, I was wondering about that.

    Try to use a slightly larger font as this was a little tough to read.
    Make sure you edit your work for mistakes and for flow before posting it. I suggest reading it out loud to someone. This will allow you to catch sentences that might be a little awkward or have words out of sequence.

