Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Do-over generation set to experience deadline shock: Agree or Disagree?

 Late homework/assignments/projects? ZERO FOR YOU!

  Do you agree or disagree with this article about how students may have been getting away with too much? I agree, very much in fact so in the following three paragraphs I'll state why. Like how for years students have been getting away with days late assignments,and not being prepared for more serious deadlines and etc.

  In high school and work or university you don't get second chances. Firstly have you ever heard of a university student getting an extension for bad excuses? No, so while before 2010 students got away with handing assignments days late and that wasn't preparing them for reality. Second of all while they might have extra days to prepare their work and hand it in and get 100% when they get admitted to a university/college for good marks they find themselves failing because of low homework completion. Finally it's really silly to have to go to school to prepare you for jobs or university to then find out your horribly unprepared and get fired. That's why I think not letting children be prepared for real deadlines was a bad decision.

 Letting people get away with late assignments was a horrible decision. Why? Because they can just copy off the work other people have handed in or just plain ask them what they did. It's not fair to other people to get a seventy and then turn around and find someone who used their idea's to add to their own to get a ninety. Also because that whole idea was silly, what if someone handed in an assignment that was due in October in May? I think assignments/homework should be handed in the day their due and not a moment later.

   Did you know being away for over 20% of class time will lose you credits? It will now, before 2010 you could just skip the classes away and only affect your knowledge not grades. This was a major cause for Absences back then, after all with no consequences for actions what stops you from skipping school? Nothing and that was the problem, soaring rates of high school absentees were a major concern. One of the reasons why consequences are implemented now is because general knowledge of things like these led to mass concern over the ministry of education concentrating on encouragement over consequences and apparently the backlash is bigger then the rewards.

And that comes to the conclusion. Just in general, no one knew their were consequences for what they were doing. Handed in late assignments, extensions for big projects and etc. How many students who graduated in the 2000's landed dead end jobs because they couldn't keep up with the constant workload and responsibility for their actions? Maybe many because false marks that lend to greater university numbers leading to thicker employee's should definitely not be a fast and easy solution in Canada anymore. Surely the Canadian ministry of Education has learned their lesson? Yes and so I agree that before 2010 the quality of students because of them getting away with to little consequences was declining and hopefully these laws won't be reinstated.

The original article

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your response. You had some really good ideas in here, but things seemed a little jumbled.

    Your arguments were not the clearest and it seemed like you were putting more than one point in each paragraph. You should try to use quotes from the article to help support what you are trying to say. The more evidence you provide, the stronger your argument becomes.

