Monday, October 13, 2014

Cemetery Path- Is it Ivans? Or his tormentors?

            Cemetery Path: Whose Fault?

 When someone is victimized, wronged, bullied and even killed you don’t turn and point at them and say their wrong.  That's my opinion and so according to my morals the people at fault are not called Ivan. The villagers and sergeant are wrong. Ivan is the victim and its the bullying people and ringleader sergeant at fault. That’s why in the following paragraphs Ill endeavor to prove why exactly I'm right.        
 Firstly they probably worsened his self-esteem by being rude and such. And that lead to most of the problems that wouldn't have occurred if he didn't have such a low opinion of himself. In many cases being excluded and mentally hurt leads to a poor psyche so even him accepting the dare traces back to them bullying him. When your bullied feel like your worthless like the bullies tell you so obviously if he had more self-worth and had more confidence in himself he wouldn't have accepted or even be afraid of the graveyard at all.
  Also they pushed him to doing the dare by bullying him. He was so desperate for friends he allowed himself to accept a foolish dare. So its their fault because if they hadn't bullied him he wouldn't have accepted and died. He accepted for many reasons overall maybe could describe all sorts of scenarios of why but in the end all that can be said is that he said yes and carried it out but I'm sure it can be fundamentally traced to him being bullied.
  Finally they came up with the dare and that makes them directly responsible anyway because without the dare he would've inevitably live longer. Finally they came up with the dare and that makes them directly responsible anyway because without the dare he would've inevitably live longer. They might not have killed him with their bare hands but they did cause it in a way. 
 So in conclusion these reasons show its directly not Ivans fault. Why? Because as proven they his poor self-esteem, bullying and even taunting to his demise proves they caused his death. They are at fault and there's evidence to prove it.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting response. Do you think they were hoping that he would die when he went into the cemetery? Why do you think the Lieutenant dared him in the first place?

    Check your work for spelling and punctuation errors please. There were a lot of mechanical errors that you could have caught if you had read your work over before posting it.

